• Brünnlbadgasse 15, 1090 Wien, Österreich
  • 014029494


legal notice

Brünnlbadgasse 15
1090 Wien

FN 54817 g
Curt of Registrastion: Vienna

Responsible Manager:

Sham Poswal
Parveen Poswal


The information provided on this website has been thoroughly reviewed and is regularly updated. Regardless, we cannot be held accountable for, and offer no guarantee that every statement is always entirely complete and that it represents the most recent information. This is true especially for links to other websites, to which may be directly or indirectly referred. All offers may be changed, removed or updated without further notice. Neither the publication nor content may be redistributed in any form, modified or original, to third parties by any means without the express written consent of the POSWAL GmbH.